180 Dog Names that Start with H

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Written by: Celestine Gomez
Last updated:

You’ve brought a puppy home. Everyone is excited about a new member of your family. Have you decided on the name for your puppy? The perfect dog names that start with H for your dog should be short and easy to pronounce.

We’ve compiled this list of dog names that start with H. Have fun choosing a perfect name for your dog. 

But first things first:

Why are names starting with the letter H popular?

Dog Names that Start with H

Dog names starting with the letter H have gained popularity. One of the reasons dog owners love them is because they  offer you many options. There are many names that begin with H that you can find from other letters.

But there is something you should keep in mind: you should make sure that they are perfect for your dog.

A perfect name for your dog can be inspired by anything, from an influential public figure to an artist or even a song.  

Always consider your dog’s personality when you pick up a name. For example, the name Hago would be perfect for a Belgian Malinois rather than a miniature poodle.

Dog names that start with H for males

Dog names that start with H for males
  1. Hadamar
  2. Hades
  3. Hadewin
  4. Hadi
  5. Hado
  6. Hadschi
  7. Hagan
  8. Hägar
  9. Haggard
  10. Haggy
  11. Hago
  12. Haiko
  13. Haimo
  14. Haino
  15. Haio
  16. Hairy
  17. Hajak
  18. Hajo
  19. Hako
  20. Hakom
  21. Hakon
  22. Haldor
  23. Halef
  24. Halen
  25. Halet
  26. Haley
  27. Hallodri
  28. Halord
  29. Halto
  30. Halton
  31. Halunke
  32. Halvar
  33. Halvor
  34. Hamfry
  35. Hamilton
  36. Hamlet
  37. Hamson
  38. Hancock
  39. Hander
  40. Handover
  41. Handsome
  42. Handy
  43. Hanjo
  44. Hank
  45. Hankan
  46. Hanke
  47. Hanker
  48. Hanko
  49. Hankos
  50. Hankosta
  51. Hannes
  52. Hannibal
  53. Hanno
  54. Hans
  55. Hansel
  56. Hänsel
  57. Hansi
  58. Happy
  59. Harald
  60. Haras
  61. Harasto
  62. Harbin
  63. Harbo
  64. Harbolo
  65. Harbolos
  66. Hard
  67. Hardi
  68. Hardis
  69. Hardo
  70. Hardy
  71. Harko
  72. Harky
  73. Harlekin
  74. Harley
  75. Harmony
  76. Harol
  77. Haros
  78. Harper
  79. Harpo
  80. Harras
  81. Harri
  82. Harrit
  83. Harro
  84. Harron
  85. Harros
  86. Harson
  87. Hartim
  88. Harto
  89. Hartos
  90. Harun

Dog names that start with H for females

Dog names that start with H for females
  1. Haaja
  2. Hada
  3. Hadja
  4. Hadila
  5. Haifa
  6. Haila
  7. Haja
  8. Hali
  9. Halka
  10. Halla
  11. Halley
  12. Halli
  13. Hally
  14. Hamara
  15. Hami
  16. Hamina
  17. Hamij
  18. Hamika
  19. Handy
  20. Hanka
  21. Halina
  22. Haline
  23. Hanja
  24. Hanna
  25. Hannah
  26. Hanni
  27. Hanya
  28. Happy
  29. Hara
  30. Harriet
  31. Haska
  32. Haskia
  33. Hastara
  34. Hatty
  35. Havanna
  36. Hazel
  37. Hazelnut
  38. Hearty
  39. Heather
  40. Heaven
  41. Heda
  42. Hedda
  43. Heddi
  44. Hedja
  45. Heidi
  46. Heidl
  47. Heike
  48. Heiress
  49. Heiressly
  50. Hela
  51. Helen
  52. Helena
  53. Helga
  54. Heli
  55. Helia
  56. Helly
  57. Helma
  58. Henna
  59. Henessy
  60. Henni
  61. Henny
  62. Henriette
  63. Henrike
  64. Hera
  65. Heria
  66. Herma
  67. Hermia
  68. Hermine
  69. Hershey
  70. Herta
  71. Hesca
  72. Heskia
  73. Hets
  74. Hestara
  75. Hestia
  76. Hetta
  77. Hetti
  78. Hetty
  79. Hexe
  80. Hexi
  81. Heyda
  82. Hidra
  83. Higgie
  84. Hila
  85. Hilaria
  86. Hilary
  87. Hilda
  88. Hilde
  89. Hill
  90. Hoagie

Unisex names

Suppose you can’t find a suitable male or female name for your dog. You can always go for a unisex name. Come up with as many unisex names as you can, then select the best one for your dog.

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Celestine Gomez

I'm Celestine Gomez, worked for 5 years in an animal shelter in Los Angeles, California. Having noticed the inherent passion and zeal in me to care for pets, I took a step further to create a team of I and like-minded individuals to provide an informative resource in order to broaden the knowledge base of a regular pet owners.