200+ Dog Names That Start With F

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Written by: Celestine Gomez
Last updated:

When it comes to naming your new puppy, you’ll definitely want an extensive list of names. If you’re struggling to find one that fits, but know you want the letter “F” as the first letter, don’t worry. Below, we’ve compiled a list of dog names that start with F.

Inviting a new pup into your life is a fantastic experience and one that you won’t likely forget. However, you will only have a few weeks with your little fur baby before it ends up growing into a fully-fledged dog. That’s why it’s recommended to quickly name your dog so that you can start focusing on other aspects of its puppy life.

Dog Names That Start With F

The letter “F” is less common than most other letters in names. Most of these pup names derive from other languages such as Spanish, Russian, Swedish, and others. So, if you’re looking for an interesting name that will be a surprise to most, keep reading. 

Boy Dog Names That Start With F

Boy Dog Names That Start With F

Suppose you’re looking for a more masculine name. You may want to consider boy dog names that start with the letter “F’. Masculine names are used to describe stronger and gritty names. They generally compliment a male dog’s demeanor, and they may be more fitting than other “cute” names.

  1. Fido
  2. Franz
  3. Freddie
  4. Fluffy
  5. Fire
  6. Frodo
  7. Forest
  8. Falcon
  9. Flint
  10. Floyd
  11. Flynn
  12. Ferdie
  13. Fritz
  14. Frost
  15. Fabian
  16. Fagin
  17. Fanta
  18. Fandango
  19. Faro
  20. Fame
  21. Fantom
  22. Felipe
  23. Ferrari
  24. Flame
  25. Frost
  26. Fang
  27. Feather
  28. Fin
  29. Fabi
  30. Fabian
  31. Fabino
  32. Fabio
  33. Fabius
  34. Fabrice
  35. Fabrius
  36. Fabricius
  37. Face 
  38. Facon
  39. Faduk
  40. Fafnir
  41. Fair
  42. Fairlo
  43. Faith
  44. Falco
  45. Falek
  46. Falk
  47. Falibar
  48. Falke
  49. Fambo
  50. Famo
  51. FAMous
  52. Fando
  53. Fanfan
  54. Fango
  55. Fantasie
  56. Flocki
  57. Flop
  58. Florenz
  59. Fizz
  60. Fisco
  61. Ferro
  62. Felix
  63. Foxy
  64. Fonsi
  65. Fynn
  66. Futz
  67. Funk
  68. Fudge
  69. Fuddles
  70. Faros
  71. Flavius
  72. Farell
  73. Fiduz
  74. Flitz
  75. Fjok
  76. Frito
  77. Fagin
  78. Frosten
  79. Froggy
  80. Frisco
  81. Flecky
  82. Freckles
  83. Fred
  84. Frederick
  85. Fredi
  86. Fredo
  87. Fjodor
  88. Ferry
  89. Feston
  90. Flavian
  91. Fex
  92. Finibus
  93. Fidel
  94. Fidget
  95. Fedor
  96. Faruk
  97. Faun
  98. Fate
  99. Fedori
  100. Ferdi
  101. Flops
  102. Frank
  103. Franjo
  104. Fool
  105. Fokus
  106. Foggy
  107. Frolo
  108. Fury
  109. Frisby
  110. Filipo
  111. Flash
  112. Foster
  113. Falko

Girl Dog Names That Start With F 

Girl Dog Names That Start With F 

If your little pup is a female, you should consider a more feminine name. Female names tend to give off a different vibe and compliment your female pup’s behavior. A feminine name is also cuter, and many of the names we list sound very cute or dainty.

  1. Fiona
  2. Fluff
  3. Frosty
  4. Fluffy
  5. Faye
  6. Felicia
  7. Freda
  8. Freesia
  9. Fabia
  10. Fairy
  11. Faith
  12. Frizzy
  13. Fannie
  14. Flower
  15. Fay
  16. Feebee
  17. Fiesta
  18. Flo
  19. Flavia
  20. Fairy
  21. Fran
  22. Franny
  23. Freesia
  24. Felicia
  25. Felicity
  26. Fifi
  27. Fabia
  28. Fable
  29. Face
  30. Faime
  31. Fairytale
  32. Fajita
  33. Falba
  34. Falka
  35. Falkey
  36. Falwa
  37. Fama
  38. Fambey
  39. Fame
  40. Famely
  41. Fanni
  42. Fanta
  43. Fantasia
  44. Fara
  45. Farah
  46. Farera
  47. Farina
  48. Fatima
  49. Fay
  50. Faya
  51. Faye
  52. Fedde
  53. Fedora
  54. Fedra
  55. Feela
  56. Freeny
  57. Feidi
  58. Fela
  59. Felba
  60. Feli
  61. Felice
  62. Felicitas
  63. Felicy
  64. Felina
  65. Felizitas
  66. Felipa
  67. Fellini
  68. Feloni
  69. Female
  70. Fenja
  71. Feadora
  72. Fera
  73. Fergi
  74. Ferris
  75. Festara
  76. Fewa
  77. Fiamma
  78. Fiby 
  79. Fida
  80. Fidela
  81. Fidelia
  82. Fidelis
  83. Fidschi
  84. Fiebi
  85. Fienchen
  86. Fiesta
  87. Fila
  88. Fillia
  89. Filly
  90. Filomena
  91. Fina
  92. Final
  93. Flake
  94. Finchen
  95. Fine
  96. Finessa
  97. Finesse
  98. Finja
  99. Finni
  100. Finnis
  101. Finou
  102. Fiola
  103. Fiona
  104. Fiora
  105. Fiorella
  106. Fioretta
  107. Fire
  108. Firstin
  109. Fiska
  110. Fissy
  111. Fita
  112. Fiva
  113. Fivanne
  114. Fivian
  115. Flair
  116. Flake
  117. Flame 
  118. Flavia
  119. Flecka
  120. Fleur
  121. Fleuri
  122. Flexa 
  123. Flicka
  124. Flinki
  125. Flirt
  126. Flo
  127. Flocke
  128. Flockchen
  129. Flohchen
  130. Flora
  131. Florence
  132. Florentine
  133. Flori
  134. Floria
  135. Floriane
  136. Florina
  137. Florine
  138. Flower
  139. Fluga
  140. Fly
  141. Floina
  142. Formosa
  143. Fortuna
  144. Fran
  145. Franca
  146. Francesca
  147. Francis
  148. Franka
  149. Franny
  150. Franzi
  151. Franziska
  152. Frau Antje
  153. Frayer
  154. Frea
  155. Fredoliane
  156. Freia
  157. Freika
  158. Frena
  159. French
  160. French Kiss
  161. Frenzi
  162. Fresca
  163. Freya
  164. Freykja
  165. Frida
  166. Frigga
  167. Friska
  168. Frisky
  169. Frony
  170. Fuchsia
  171. Fulica
  172. Fulvia
  173. Funny

Dog Name FAQs

What is a unique dog name?

Unique dog names are entirely up to what sounds interesting to you. However, the most fantastic dog names include:

  • Ana
  • Arwen
  • Bambam
  • Beckett
  • Beethoven
  • Bellatrix
  • Cardi
  • Crash
  • Dodge
  • Kujo
  • Little Man
  • Luca
  • Oslo
  • Rock
  • Rookie
  • Ruckus
  • Tino
  • Skip
  • Zora

What is a cute name for a dog?

Many cute dog names tend to start with a “B,” which includes:

  • Belle
  • Birdie
  • Biscuit
  • Bear
  • Beau
  • Benji
  • Benny
  • Etc.

What’s a good name for a boy dog?

Here are some of the best male dog names:

  • Max
  • Duke
  • Kobe
  • Oreo
  • Oscar
  • Echo
  • Tank
  • Romeo
  • Simba
  • Porter
  • Apollo
  • Finn

What should I name my puppy?

It’s exciting to get a new puppy, but a puppy should be named something you find interesting. Most pup owners enjoy naming their puppy based of their dog’s personality. However, some owners also enjoy picking names based on countries, objects, characters, etc.

The Bottom Line

It’s so exciting to welcome a new dog into your life and home! You should decide on puppy names quickly, as you only have so long before that little furry creature starts to grow into a fully-fledged dog. 

While there are many names to choose from for dogs, you rarely hear anyone pick names that start with the letter “F.” So, it’s a pleasant and refreshing surprise to people when they hear a name like that. 

Finding a name for your pup can be difficult if you’re unsure what type of name is available. We listed as many names as possible that started with the “F” letter. However, don’t feel like you have to limit yourself to just those. There are plenty of other puppy names that are brimming with positivity.

200+ Dog Names That Start With F
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Celestine Gomez

I'm Celestine Gomez, worked for 5 years in an animal shelter in Los Angeles, California. Having noticed the inherent passion and zeal in me to care for pets, I took a step further to create a team of I and like-minded individuals to provide an informative resource in order to broaden the knowledge base of a regular pet owners.