When it comes to naming your new puppy, you’ll definitely want an extensive list of names. If you’re struggling to find one that fits, but know you want the letter “F” as the first letter, don’t worry. Below, we’ve compiled a list of dog names that start with F.
Inviting a new pup into your life is a fantastic experience and one that you won’t likely forget. However, you will only have a few weeks with your little fur baby before it ends up growing into a fully-fledged dog. That’s why it’s recommended to quickly name your dog so that you can start focusing on other aspects of its puppy life.
Dog Names That Start With F
The letter “F” is less common than most other letters in names. Most of these pup names derive from other languages such as Spanish, Russian, Swedish, and others. So, if you’re looking for an interesting name that will be a surprise to most, keep reading.
Boy Dog Names That Start With F
Suppose you’re looking for a more masculine name. You may want to consider boy dog names that start with the letter “F’. Masculine names are used to describe stronger and gritty names. They generally compliment a male dog’s demeanor, and they may be more fitting than other “cute” names.
- Fido
- Franz
- Freddie
- Fluffy
- Fire
- Frodo
- Forest
- Falcon
- Flint
- Floyd
- Flynn
- Ferdie
- Fritz
- Frost
- Fabian
- Fagin
- Fanta
- Fandango
- Faro
- Fame
- Fantom
- Felipe
- Ferrari
- Flame
- Frost
- Fang
- Feather
- Fin
- Fabi
- Fabian
- Fabino
- Fabio
- Fabius
- Fabrice
- Fabrius
- Fabricius
- Face
- Facon
- Faduk
- Fafnir
- Fair
- Fairlo
- Faith
- Falco
- Falek
- Falk
- Falibar
- Falke
- Fambo
- Famo
- FAMous
- Fando
- Fanfan
- Fango
- Fantasie
- Flocki
- Flop
- Florenz
- Fizz
- Fisco
- Ferro
- Felix
- Foxy
- Fonsi
- Fynn
- Futz
- Funk
- Fudge
- Fuddles
- Faros
- Flavius
- Farell
- Fiduz
- Flitz
- Fjok
- Frito
- Fagin
- Frosten
- Froggy
- Frisco
- Flecky
- Freckles
- Fred
- Frederick
- Fredi
- Fredo
- Fjodor
- Ferry
- Feston
- Flavian
- Fex
- Finibus
- Fidel
- Fidget
- Fedor
- Faruk
- Faun
- Fate
- Fedori
- Ferdi
- Flops
- Frank
- Franjo
- Fool
- Fokus
- Foggy
- Frolo
- Fury
- Frisby
- Filipo
- Flash
- Foster
- Falko
Girl Dog Names That Start With F
If your little pup is a female, you should consider a more feminine name. Female names tend to give off a different vibe and compliment your female pup’s behavior. A feminine name is also cuter, and many of the names we list sound very cute or dainty.
- Fiona
- Fluff
- Frosty
- Fluffy
- Faye
- Felicia
- Freda
- Freesia
- Fabia
- Fairy
- Faith
- Frizzy
- Fannie
- Flower
- Fay
- Feebee
- Fiesta
- Flo
- Flavia
- Fairy
- Fran
- Franny
- Freesia
- Felicia
- Felicity
- Fifi
- Fabia
- Fable
- Face
- Faime
- Fairytale
- Fajita
- Falba
- Falka
- Falkey
- Falwa
- Fama
- Fambey
- Fame
- Famely
- Fanni
- Fanta
- Fantasia
- Fara
- Farah
- Farera
- Farina
- Fatima
- Fay
- Faya
- Faye
- Fedde
- Fedora
- Fedra
- Feela
- Freeny
- Feidi
- Fela
- Felba
- Feli
- Felice
- Felicitas
- Felicy
- Felina
- Felizitas
- Felipa
- Fellini
- Feloni
- Female
- Fenja
- Feadora
- Fera
- Fergi
- Ferris
- Festara
- Fewa
- Fiamma
- Fiby
- Fida
- Fidela
- Fidelia
- Fidelis
- Fidschi
- Fiebi
- Fienchen
- Fiesta
- Fila
- Fillia
- Filly
- Filomena
- Fina
- Final
- Flake
- Finchen
- Fine
- Finessa
- Finesse
- Finja
- Finni
- Finnis
- Finou
- Fiola
- Fiona
- Fiora
- Fiorella
- Fioretta
- Fire
- Firstin
- Fiska
- Fissy
- Fita
- Fiva
- Fivanne
- Fivian
- Flair
- Flake
- Flame
- Flavia
- Flecka
- Fleur
- Fleuri
- Flexa
- Flicka
- Flinki
- Flirt
- Flo
- Flocke
- Flockchen
- Flohchen
- Flora
- Florence
- Florentine
- Flori
- Floria
- Floriane
- Florina
- Florine
- Flower
- Fluga
- Fly
- Floina
- Formosa
- Fortuna
- Fran
- Franca
- Francesca
- Francis
- Franka
- Franny
- Franzi
- Franziska
- Frau Antje
- Frayer
- Frea
- Fredoliane
- Freia
- Freika
- Frena
- French
- French Kiss
- Frenzi
- Fresca
- Freya
- Freykja
- Frida
- Frigga
- Friska
- Frisky
- Frony
- Fuchsia
- Fulica
- Fulvia
- Funny
Dog Name FAQs
What is a unique dog name?
Unique dog names are entirely up to what sounds interesting to you. However, the most fantastic dog names include:
- Ana
- Arwen
- Bambam
- Beckett
- Beethoven
- Bellatrix
- Cardi
- Crash
- Dodge
- Kujo
- Little Man
- Luca
- Oslo
- Rock
- Rookie
- Ruckus
- Tino
- Skip
- Zora
What is a cute name for a dog?
Many cute dog names tend to start with a “B,” which includes:
- Belle
- Birdie
- Biscuit
- Bear
- Beau
- Benji
- Benny
- Etc.
What’s a good name for a boy dog?
Here are some of the best male dog names:
- Max
- Duke
- Kobe
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Echo
- Tank
- Romeo
- Simba
- Porter
- Apollo
- Finn
What should I name my puppy?
It’s exciting to get a new puppy, but a puppy should be named something you find interesting. Most pup owners enjoy naming their puppy based of their dog’s personality. However, some owners also enjoy picking names based on countries, objects, characters, etc.
The Bottom Line
It’s so exciting to welcome a new dog into your life and home! You should decide on puppy names quickly, as you only have so long before that little furry creature starts to grow into a fully-fledged dog.
While there are many names to choose from for dogs, you rarely hear anyone pick names that start with the letter “F.” So, it’s a pleasant and refreshing surprise to people when they hear a name like that.
Finding a name for your pup can be difficult if you’re unsure what type of name is available. We listed as many names as possible that started with the “F” letter. However, don’t feel like you have to limit yourself to just those. There are plenty of other puppy names that are brimming with positivity.