Both the Boxer and Pitbull breeds are incredibly popular among dog lovers, either as lovable family pets or for security purposes. When you put them together, you get a Bullboxer hybrid that’s too adorable to pass up.
After dealing with the Bullboxers, you’ll find them brilliant, energetic, and outgoing. So, if you’re looking for a breed that can help you switch your lifestyle and pick up more active habits, this one comes high on the recommendations list.
However, if you’re still unsure whether to adopt a Boxer Pitbull mix or not, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll go over the hybrid’s origin, what it’s like, and how you can care for it.
Understanding the Complex Boxer Pitbull Mix Origins

As you can tell by the name, these dogs are a cross between Boxers and Pitbull Terriers.
When you look at the characteristics of the parent breeds, it’s no surprise that people crossbred them. They are both incredibly powerful, loyal, and have amazing stamina.
To understand the mix better, let’s take a closer look at the parent breeds.
Believe it or not, Boxers are also another type of crossbreed. That’s because they branch off from the Bullenbeissers and Mastiffs families.
Bullenbeissers originated in Germany, and their names translate to bull-biter, which is a reference to the bull-baiting sport.
Bullbaiting was when a breeder would pit a group of dogs against another large animal, like a bull. For that reason, these canines needed to be extraordinarily strong and agile.
Unfortunately, due to climate change and breeding practices, these dogs have gone extinct.
Mastiffs, however, are still around to this day. These are large English dogs that serve mostly for protection.
As you can imagine, crossbreeding these two dogs resulted in particularly powerful Boxer offspring.
Originally, people bred Boxers to create a bigger dog for bull-baiting. Yet, as the sport ran out of style, the canines shifted to helping out butchers, farmers, and more.
Pitbull Terrier
We can also trace the Pitbull Terrier’s origins to bull-baiting, ratting, and dog fighting in Europe all the way back to the 19th century.
The main ancestors here were the stocky Bulldog and Terrier breeds.
Both of these were ferocious and excellent hunters. As the years went on, more and more people wanted these traits in a dog, so they started crossbreeding. Eventually, this led to the Pitbull Terriers we know and love today.
Still, because of their origin, the Pitbull Terrier breed got a bad reputation. That’s because some people still associate them with the aggression of their ancestors.
However, these dogs are usually gentle and loyal creatures with a fun-loving attitude.
Common Boxer Pitbull Mix Names
The official name of the hybrid breed is the Boxer Pitbull. Yet, as with any other crossbreed, you’ll often hear a few other common names in shelters or among breeders.
Most of these designations combine the first and last parts of the parents’ breeds to come up with something catchy.
For example, you could call a pup from the mixed breed by any of the following names:
- Boxerbull
- Pitboxer
- Bullboxer
- Bullboxer Pit
- Boxer Pit
However, there are a few names that follow the same principle but are less common, like Pixoter.
The Boxerbull’s Physical Characteristics

Now that you know where Boxer Pitbulls come from, we can move on to their physical attributes.
This is where things get interesting, so let’s dive in!
Like other hybrids, the Pitboxer dogs take on some of the build characteristics of each of their parents.
From the Boxer side of the family, the puppies could take the tall and slim figure. As for the Pitbull parent, they supply the broad chest and large head.
Usually, a male Boxer weighs around 60 to 70 pounds. Meanwhile, Pitbulls are about 35 to 60 pounds. So together, they make a relatively large dog.
A male Pixoter could grow up to be about 16 to 21 inches tall, while females are around 15 to 20 inches. When it comes to weight, you can expect a fully grown Boxer Pitbull to be around 50 pounds.
Overall, Pitboxers are on the heavy side, but they still maintain a lean and streamlined shape.
Even though the Boxer Pitbull hybrids are large, they still came out to be very adorable.
For one, they have round, dark eyes and a pronounced snout. Boxer bulls also have pointy ears that usually droop down.
However, it’s important to note that while you might expect the offspring to look like a 50-50 mixture of the parent breeds, that’s not always the case.
Sure, traditionally, half of each parent’s traits should move on to the pup. Yet, sometimes, genetics have a different plan in mind. When you breed a Boxer Pitbull, you can’t decide which features it gets from each parent.
Sometimes the result will look more like one of the original breeds than the other, especially if the pup isn’t a first-generation Pitboxer. In that case, the dog may even grow to exhibit physical traits from other breeds.
Since the overall appearance of your pet will come down to its lineage, a reliable breeder should be able to tell you all about the family background.
When you turn your attention to the hybrid dog’s coat, you’ll notice that the hair is short, smooth, and straight.
One of the best features of Pitboxer is its broad coat-shade range. The most common colors are traditional black and burnt brown. However, they could also have brighter hues, like reddish brown, white, tan, blueish black, and gray.
In the end, the coat won’t really affect the dog’s physiology, so you can love all the Pitboxer colors equally!
The sad news here is that the Boxer Pitbull breed isn’t fully hypoallergenic. That means that the pet dander can lead to inflammation and breathing problems.
So, before you pick up a dog, you can play with them for a while in the shelter to confirm that his fur won’t cause you any health issues.
Typical Demeanor of a Boxer Pitbull Mix

When you think of a dog, you usually connect with a few key traits, including loyalty, intelligence, affection, and endurance.
Since Boxer Pitbull mixes come from a long line of crossbreeding, their behavior can vary quite a bit from one liter up to the other.
However, there are a few traits that you can expect in the hybrid puppies:
For starters, these dogs are usually protective of their owners. They’ll sit and keep a lookout to make sure everyone they love is safe.
Yet, the hybrids are much less aggressive than their ancestors. That’s because they seem to have more control over their temperament.
However, because of their heightened protectiveness, they can be a little territorial. This is especially true for Pitboxers that grow up without other animals around.
In this case, the canines can become a little hostile around strangers. Still, this isn’t the norm.
Mixed Boxer and Pitbull dogs love staying active. So, you’ll almost always find them in a playful mood and ready to set out on an adventure.
Pitboxers also tend to be a little curious. This may lead them into a few sticky situations. However, they have incredible courage and a toned physique to help them move past the events with grace.
In addition, they’re also always on the move due to their herding roots. This can translate into hyperactivity if they don’t have an outlet with enough outdoor space to hop around.
Boxer Pitbulls are one of the more adaptable dog breeds. They usually have no trouble adjusting to strange spaces and people.
In fact, due to their curiosity, they may seek out change all on their own. Typically, they’ll run around and explore new areas!
Main Health Concerns for a Pitboxer
In most cases, Boxer Pitbulls have a moderate lifespan, similar to the average for most large dogs.
Typically, these hybrids could lead relatively healthy lives if they stay active. Yet, as they age, they’ll have diminished stamina and reflexes, but that’s also normal for all breeds out there.
Other than that, Pixoters could have a genetic predisposition to a few medical conditions.
Some of the disorders that you need to keep an eye out for are:
- Eyesight issues
- Ear infections
- Cancer
- Hip dysplasia
- Skin lesions
- Allergies
- Obesity and related cardiovascular diseases (with extremely sedentary lifestyles)
For these reasons, it’s always a good idea to get a medical check-up as soon as you adopt a dog from a mixed breed. Ask your vet for a full workup to catch any issues before they escalate.
Exercising Needs for a Boxer Pitbull Mix
If you’re looking for a companion for your morning walks, a Boxer Pitbull may be the way to go. Odds are, he’ll be almost always eager to leave the house.
Because of the hunting roots in the parent breeds, the hybrid’s muscles need to stretch out often to stay healthy.
Generally, your Pixoter will need about two to three hours of exercise daily.
That said, it’s not a good idea for canines to be on the move for hours on end. Instead, you can break up the dog’s workout routine into a couple of sessions a day to avoid overexerting your pet.
Pitboxer’s Training Potential
Even though they may be a little hyperactive, Boxer Pitbull puppies are a breeze to train. These are exceptionally smart dogs that are happy to follow orders, after all.
For this reason, you can opt to train your pup at home.
If you can make the training process fun, you should have absolutely no problem. To do that, you may want to use different toys, plenty of treats, and well-timed positive reinforcement.
However, it’s crucial to note that the first few months will make all the difference in how easy the training phase will be. So, you’ll want to make sure you socialize your puppy early on. Make sure they see plenty of other dogs and people.
A reputable breeder should tackle this aspect and pave the way for you to build on it with clicker or crate training.
Grooming a Boxer Pitbull Mix

As we mentioned, Boxer Pitbulls have short coats. Because of this, shedding isn’t a major issue with this breed. On top of that, these dogs tend to like to stay clean, so the grooming process is pretty straightforward.
Generally, brushing out a Pitboxers coat once a week should be enough to take care of any fly-away hairs. However, the pup might shed more in warmer months, so you may have to groom them twice a week.
On occasion, these stocky dogs may find themselves playing in a mud pit. You’ll need to give them a quick bath with soap and water if that happens.
Other than that, you may also have to do a bit of nail trimming. This process could get a little tricky, so it’s best to let a professional groomer take the reins if you don’t have previous experience.
Dietary Needs for a Boxer Pitbull Mix
Just like most canines, Boxer Pitbulls need a protein-rich diet to maintain healthy teeth and bones.
You can provide all of your dog’s needs with dry or wet food. Either option should give the necessary nutrients to keep your pet in good shape.
Since these dogs are active, they need plenty of food, but you don’t want to feed them one large meal. Instead, it’s best to spread this intake over a few meals to avoid digestive tract issues.
In that case, an adult Pitboxer would need about four or five meals per day.
Wrapping Up
When deciding whether to adopt a Boxer Pitbull mix, there are a few factors to consider.
First off, these dogs are incredibly fun-loving and gentle. In addition, they enjoy being active most of the day and are loyal to their owners. On top of that, they’re relatively easy to train and groom.
Given the proper diet and exercise, these dogs should be able to lead long and happy lives.
With all this information in mind, you’re ready to head to a breeder and adopt a new puppy!