Can Dogs Eat Potato Salad? Here’s What It Can Do To Your Pooch.

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Written by: Celestine Gomez
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Very often, we are tempted to lend our pooch a morsel of our mouthwatering favorite. While giving your dog human food is not all in all a bad idea, you may not know when you are putting your dog’s life at risk if you have not taken your time to do a bit of research on the food.

Now, if humans can eat potato salad, can dogs safely eat it too?

No, potato salad is made with onion and mustard which are unsafe for your dog. Both ingredients contain toxic culprits that can cause your pooch to develop hemolytic anemia and gastroenteritis. If you choose to feed your dog potato salad, it must be free of onion and mustard. As well, it should be in a small amount due to its high fat and salt contents.

If you noticed that your dog eats a tiny bit of potato salad off your plate, that’s probably not going to make him sick considering the small amount consumed. However, consuming a substantial amount of potato salad will most likely result in serious health problems for your dog.

No matter the amount of potato your dog has eaten, it is essential to monitor for signs such as lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite or pale gums.

Is Potato Salad Bad For Dogs?

Potato salad can be harmful to dogs and it is one that your dog should avoid eating — even as an occasional treat. The toxicity of onion and mustard to canines is an important issue to be fully aware of because it is commonly used to prepare many other human diets. The fact that your dog loves the flavor of potato salad doesn’t make it right for him.

So, can dogs have potato salad?

A little bit of the good stuff. Not all ingredients in potato salad are toxic or unhealthy to your dog. In fact, potato salad contains an incredibly rich amount of nutrients from potatoes, veggies, eggs, pepper and vinegar. Though these ingredients are beneficial to your dog’s health, the potential harm does not allow your dog to safely exploit the benefits.

We’ll look further into the individual ingredients to ascertain their health benefits and risk.

  • Cooked Potato: Can Eat

As the name suggests, potato is the main ingredient in potato salad and it belongs to the family of the nightshade which includes tomato. Cooked potatoes are safe for dogs as long as it is served in a moderate amount.

On the other hand, raw potatoes, like other members of the nightshade family, contain solanine which is toxic to dogs. Hence, make sure you properly cook the potatoes before feeding them to your dog.

Exceptions may exist if your dog is diabetic as potatoes are high in carbs. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

  • Onion: Can’t Eat

While onions are great for preparing potato salad, they are extremely harmful to your dog. Both fresh and cooked onions contain a toxic principle, thiosulphate which breaks down your dog’s red blood cells leading to hemolytic anemia.

Symptoms of onion poisoning usually take few days to appear. Your previously healthy pooch may begin to experience symptoms such as lethargy, decreased appetite, vomiting, pale gums and tachycardia. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, immediately visit your veterinarian.

  • Cooked Egg: Can Eat

Just like chicken, eggs are a good source of protein. When cooked or boiled they are safe and healthy for your canine companion. It must be free of oil, salt and seasonings.

Some dog parents still feed their dog raw eggs but this poses a risk to their health. It can potentially lead to pathogenic salmonella by salmonella and biotin deficiency caused by avidin which prevents its absorption.

  • Celery: Can Eat

Celery is a safe vegetable for dogs when consumed in moderation and that’s not all. Like many other healthy vegetables, celery is rich in dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals. It also helps to get rid of bad breath in dogs.

Most dog foods contain a decent amount of vegetables. If otherwise, consider supplementing their meals with some veggies.

Also, there are concerns about pesticide poisoning associated with eating celery and other vegetables. Making sure the vegetables are locally grown and properly washed to ensure your pooch stays in good health.

  • Mustard: Can’t Eat

Mustard is added to potato salad to give it a strong, pungent taste which is desirable to humans. However, mustard is toxic to dogs and when consumed in large amounts can make your dog very sick. It contains a toxic principle, glucosinolates which can cause the inflammation of your dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

  • Mayonnaise: Too Much Can Be Bad

Mayonnaise is made of ingredients like egg yolks, oil, and vinegar. None of these ingredients is toxic to dogs and will not have any health impact on them if consumed occasionally and in a small quantity.

In cases where your dog is prone to obesity, it is wise not to keep mayo away from them because of its high-fat content.

  • Vinegar: Can Eat

There are a myriad of health benefits in store for your pooch in vinegar and guess what? It is safe for them as long as it is in tiny amounts but it’s very easy to go beyond the safe amount. If your dog begins to show signs of gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting, bloating, or diarrhea, then it’s high time you switch things up.

Also Read: My Dog Ate Guacamole: What Should I Do Now?

What Happens If My Dog Eats Potato Salad

If a dog eats potato salad, it can cause a variety of medical problems.

As we previously pointed out, potato salad contains some toxic ingredients like onion and mustard that can wreak havoc to your dog’s health, especially if they are tiny dogs as they are known to be less tolerant than their larger counterparts.

Depending on the quantity of potato salad consumed, the symptoms may range from mild to severe. In general, your dog may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, dehydration, lethargy and abdominal pain.

If you believe your dog has consumed a large amount of potato salad, immediately contact your vet. You can also keep a close eye on him since the symptoms of onion poisoning often do not occur immediately.

Also Read: Can Dogs Eat Chicken Breast? What You Need To Know!

How To Prevent Your Dog From Eating Potato Salad

  • Keep them out of your dog’s reach by storing them in the refrigerator or any high location.
  • Always keep an eye on your dog and never leave him alone, as separation anxiety can lead to negative behavior.
  • Teaching him “leave it” and “drop it” commands is a great way to curb dietary indiscretion and make your dog stay out of danger.
  • Food poisoning can be avoided by properly disposing of all leftovers and waste.

Final Thoughts: Can Dogs Eat Potato Salad

Dogs can eat potato salad and derive many health benefits from them but they are at a very high risk of being poisoned by the toxic ingredients in it. If you want your pet to stay healthy then keep out of their reach any food containing onion, garlic, or mustard.

Instead of potato salad, feed your dog cooked potatoes or healthy vegetables like celery, cucumber, carrots, kale, and broccoli. Make sure you balance their diet with high-protein food. Most commercial dog foods contain all of the necessary ingredients, hence, an additional source of nutrients may not be a necessity.

Dogs can often plunge themselves into problems by eating things that they shouldn’t. So, it is essential to take the necessary precautions in ensuring that your Fido is healthy and strong.

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Celestine Gomez

I'm Celestine Gomez, worked for 5 years in an animal shelter in Los Angeles, California. Having noticed the inherent passion and zeal in me to care for pets, I took a step further to create a team of I and like-minded individuals to provide an informative resource in order to broaden the knowledge base of a regular pet owners.