Having a dog, or a pet, in general, entails having to clean up after them on a daily basis. It’s just part of being a pet owner.
There will come a time, though, when your dog’s stool isn’t as firm as it usually is. During these moments, you don’t need to get alarmed. You need to assess the situation to determine if you’ll need to get your dog checked up by the vet.
In this article, I will tell you why your dog is pooping liquid, also known as diarrhea, and what to do next to ensure that your four-legged friend is happy and healthy.
Why Is My Dog Pooping Liquid?
There are many reasons your pooch is pooping liquid. It could be anything from a digestive infection or a sudden change of diet to eating something out of the ordinary.
When it comes to your dog having diarrhea, it’s a matter of when, not a matter of if. Essentially, your dog will get diarrhea at some point in their life, no matter what you do or feed them.

The American Kennel Club attributes diarrhea to one of 12 triggers. Some are harmless, with you having the ability to fix them, while others need veterinary intervention and possibly surgery.
The triggers include:
- Bacterial infections
- Stress, psychological, or emotional issues
- Illness, which can range from just an inflammation to cancer
- A side effect of a medication they’re taking
- Swallowing an indigestible foreign object, such as a toy, a stick, or even a small rock
- A parasite in their digestive system, such as roundworms
- Ingesting a poisonous element such as a toxic flower or plant
- Food intolerance as many dogs are lactose intolerant
- Allergic reaction
- Sudden change in diet: this situation happens when you change your dog’s diet without introducing the new food gradually
- Viral infection
- Ingesting too much food, also known as overeating, or consuming something spoiled
What Do I Do When My Dog Gets Diarrhea?
If your dog is pooping liquid, here’s how you can deal with the situation based on the dog’s age:
Young Puppies
As per the AKC’s recommendations, if a puppy gets a bout of diarrhea, you should always take them to the vet, as it might be a sign of something that the vet needs to catch early on.
Mature Dogs
Let’s say your dog just pooped and it’s in liquid form; you’re obviously going to clean it up, but as you do, take a look at it and note down if there are any distinct elements.
I know it’s a crappy situation (pun intended), but you’ll want to know if your dog’s diarrhea has any blood in it. If so, you might want to keep a sample and take it with you as you go with your dog to the vet.
There are other reasons to take your canine companion to the vet as soon as possible. They include another bout of diarrhea on the same day, vomiting, lack of appetite, any signs of dehydration, drooling, moving slowly, or appearing weak.
If none of the previous ailments show up, you’ll have to play the monitoring game. You’ll keep an eye on your furry friend and see how they fare for the next 24 hours.
Home Solutions
In the meantime, you’ll need to introduce a few elements to help your doggo’s digestive system, such as a bland diet. This diet is basically half plain-cooked or steamed white rice, and the other half is boiled chicken.

This diet practically calms your dog’s stomach, as it doesn’t have too much for it to struggle with in regards to digestion. Take note of what happens next.
If your furry friend continues to have issues, you’ll need to head to the vet. If they don’t, you can reintroduce different foods with time.
The AKC states that the accepted foods that would “help normalize stool consistency” besides rice and chicken are plain yogurt, boiled potatoes without the skin, probiotics, pumpkin, and cottage cheese.
Another solution, which you can introduce if your dog is a healthy one, is fasting. What you do is simple; don’t provide your dog with food for the next 12 to 24 hours. Only provide water.
This process clears up the digestive system, and through it, you’ll know that your dog didn’t have anything diarrhea-inducing to eat, after which you can introduce the bland diet.
Please don’t give your dog any human medications since they won’t have the same effect they do on people.
Also, if you intend to provide any medication, please make sure it’s under the supervision of a vet. This way, you’ll be sure that these are pet friendly and safe to use.
Diarrhea is something your dog will experience sooner or later. After all, there’s a multitude of triggers that can lead to a bout of liquid poop. And while it might feel scary, you shouldn’t be worried straight away.
If you have a puppy and it gets diarrhea, experts recommend that you take them to the vet as soon as possible.
If an older dog gets it, you need to investigate it first. That’s because there are home remedies that you can resort to that can alleviate any digestive issues and help them recover, including plain diets and fasting.
If these remedies don’t fix the issue within 24 hours, or you notice other ailments like vomiting, you need to head to the vet immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Should I Be Worried If My Dog’s Poop Is Liquid?
The reasons why your dog’s poop is liquid can vary from something minor to something that’s considered life-threatening. That being said, it’s normal for dogs to have bouts of diarrhea from time to time.
The best practice is to contact your vet about the situation, especially if your dog is still a puppy or if it isn’t acting normally.
How Long Should Diarrhea Last in Dogs?
Diarrhea tends to last for a day or two, but it can last longer if there’s a medical issue the dog is going through. That’s why it’s vital to contact your vet to find the source of the problem.