Are Blue Heelers Hypoallergenic?

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Written by: Celestine Gomez
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No doubt, being a dog parent is one of the highlights of my life, and I think it’s the same for any dog owner.

To be honest, later learning I had a pet allergy made no difference. Nonetheless, I believe that learning more about hypoallergenic dogs could’ve been beneficial.

Due to their intelligence and friendliness, blue heelers are becoming more and more popular. That’s why I chose to focus on them in this article.

So, are blue heelers hypoallergenic?

Sad to say, Blue Heelers aren’t members of the Hypoallergenic club. In other words, if you have a pet allergy, it’s best to avoid that breed as it’ll almost certainly be a trigger.

Do I Have a Pet Allergy?

It took some time for me to get checked out and diagnosed with a pet allergy. For a long time, I just assumed I had a prolonged cold and never suspected it had anything to do with my doggo.

Thus, I highly advise you to know more about this condition before choosing a lifelong companion. 

If you’re still unsure whether you have an allergy or not, let me lay out the symptoms to help you out:

Blonde female sneezing

Common Symptoms:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy, red, or watery eyes
  • Itchy nose, throat, or the roof of the mouth
  • Skin symptoms:
  • Raised, red patches of skin (hives)
  • Eczema
  • Itchy skin

Symptoms Associated With Asthma Patients

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Audible wheezing or whistling sound when exhaling
  • Shortness of breath

Why Do Blue Heelers Cause Allergic Reactions?

As a general rule, a dog that sheds a lot due to its thick fur or double coat is not a good match for allergy sufferers.

Why you might ask?

Simply put, protein particles found in your buddy’s dander and saliva cause an allergic reaction.

Danders, which are micro flecks of skin, are found between the dog’s skin and fur coat. Consequently, when he sheds or blows out his fur, those allergens will be all over the place.

The allergens in your dog’s saliva also make their way to his hair, as licking themselves is a full-time job.

In the blue heelers’ case, they’re a double-coated breed that sheds anywhere between moderately and excessively.

We can say that spring and autumn are their peak seasons for shedding, also known as coat blowouts. This is because their coats have the capability of adapting to the weather. 

Naturally, they’ll need a thick coat during cold weather to keep them warm. However, as summer approaches, they’ll have to partially shed that coat. Thus, they’ll start getting rid of it in spring.

Alternatively, when winter arrives, they must put their coat back on, which means they go through another severe shedding phase in the fall.

All dog breeds experience seasonal shed, but double-coated dog owners know it’s a clean-for-your-life situation.

It’s worth noting that if your dog is shedding more than usual, it could be a sign of illness.

In fact, poor nutrition is the leading cause of excessive shedding. When you don’t provide your dog with enough protein or nutrients. So, as tempting as a cheap pack of dry food may be, you’d want to steer clear of it.

Four Methods for Reducing Allergic Reactions

Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you fella allergy sufferers who are already committed to a blue heeler cutie.

After researching and testing with allergy-reduction techniques, I narrowed it down to four:

1.   Regular Brushing

Close up of hand brushing dog's hair

Sit down your doggo every other day and brush him with a de-shedding tool. You should de-shed your buddy at least twice a week.

Choose a tool designed specifically for double-coated breeds, so that it can reach their undercoat as well. They’re often called undercoat rakes or comb.

Keeping his loose hair in check will better control his shedding. When you let nature take its course with blue heelers, their hair will literally end up on everything.

Therefore, throwing out his excess fur will limit it from spreading throughout the house.

A word of caution: if an allergic person is going to perform that task, please wear a mask and gloves.

2.   Frequent Baths

Bathing your pet is a great way to reduce the amount of dander on his coat as well as airborne allergens.

Stick to once every four to six weeks. That is unless your rebel continues to get himself into messy situations. Of course, the showering rate will increase in that case.

You should avoid giving your dog too many baths because it can have a negative reaction.

3.   Wiping After Outdoor Activity

After playtime, give your pet a quick wipe with dog wipes or a wet cloth before entering the house.

Remember that your allergy can be triggered by a variety of other factors, such as pollen or mold.

As your doggo is dancing on marimba rhythms with the grass, he’s soaking up such allergens. So, wipe as much as you can, especially his feet, before allowing him inside.

4.   Vacuuming More Often

vacuum a carpet

This is considered another way of controlling your dog’s shedding. I used to limit my vacuuming to once every week or two weeks, basically on “cleaning day.”

The new me is laughing because now, I vacuum the rugs and floors whenever I get the chance.

Of course, not every day, but I vacuum the areas where he likes to hang out at least three times per week.

Since I started doing that, the infamous piles of hair that I get on cleaning day have shrunk significantly.

Which Dog Breeds Are Hypoallergenic?

If you don’t already have a blue heeler and are still on the lookout for a hypoallergenic dog breed, I’ve got you covered!

On a side note, don’t expect a dog to be completely free of allergens.

Because of their small size, single-coated or short-haired, hypoallergenic canines are less likely to flare up your allergy. Nonetheless, they still contain the protein particles I mentioned earlier.

Since you’re already researching blue heelers, I’m assuming you’re looking for an intelligent, friendly, and active dog.

So, here are some breeds that fit those criteria while also being gentle on your nasal:

  • Giant Schnauzer
  • West Highland Terrier
  • Afghan Hound
  • Basenji
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Scottish Terrier

Wrapping Up

Are blue heelers hypoallergenic? Nope.

Blue heelers’ shedding level is unsuited for allergy sufferers due to the allergen that their hairs carry.

For all allergic pet owners out there, try to incorporate the methods mentioned in this article into your routine.

If you’re an allergy sufferer and still looking for a buddy, then I hope the list I’ve gathered helped you narrow down your options.

In both cases, “woof – woof” is my dog Molly’s way of wishing you luck!

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Celestine Gomez

I'm Celestine Gomez, worked for 5 years in an animal shelter in Los Angeles, California. Having noticed the inherent passion and zeal in me to care for pets, I took a step further to create a team of I and like-minded individuals to provide an informative resource in order to broaden the knowledge base of a regular pet owners.